We lead the process of sale of corporation and company shares from Latin America or with presence in the region. We generate the tools needed to adequately follow legal and accounting requirements from potential buyers. Our vast experience in the Latin America business community and our team of advisers with a long trajectory in the region allows us to immerse rapidly and thoroughly in the reality of the selling company.

We develop the investment teaser postulating the shares to sell to our network of investors with confidentiality and transparency. We value the patrimony with objective criteria, making transparent the fiscal, labour and pension contingencies that may rise. We determine the risks and difficulties that may raise or deal breakers; quantifying them so they may be taken into account in the price negotiation and the setting up of guaranties. We act as counterparts in developing potential buyers’ due diligences.  

We take part integrating  all process post sale, solving partners and operations issues due to the fusion or acquisition of the company. We identify alternative solutions to minimize fiscal charges over the business, growing in competitiveness and rentability.